CT protocol for MRgFUS preplaning
CT protocol for MRgFUS preplaning
Approved Convolution Kernels
- General Electric (All models): BONEPLUS
- Toshiba (All models): FC30
- Siemens (Somatom Sensation, Siemens Somatom Emotion, Siemens Somatom Scope, Siemens Definition AS): H60s or H60f
Do not apply any enhancement filters on CT scans intended for use in MRgFUS neurosurgical procedures.
The CT Gantry should have NO TILT applied to it.
Slice thickness: Between 0.625 and 1.25 mm
Uniform Slice Thickness Spacing: 0 mm
Resolution: 512×512
Contrast Agents: none.
Coverage: Full
Prescription MUST cover entire skull (not limited to target area).
Please ensure that the top slice is above the skull (in the air)
and the lowest slice is all the way to the base of the skull.
Orientation: It is favourable to align the axial CT images with the AC-PC plane and perpendicular to the midline.
https://disk.yandex.ru/d/ebqA2xkmik9zVQ — CT guidance for MRgFUS (video and slides).
Please send the results in the form of a zip archive to mri.imcb@gmail.com